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The construction of shepherds' huts

Suzanne Stuart Davies

Artists' books offer the opportunity to produce a range of linked pieces in which ideas can be explored in ways which are more experimental than the more familiar series' of paintings that I work on usually allows. This bookwork is constructed from a series of small oil paintings which have as their starting points the materials and the details of the shepherds' huts in a valley in the Southern Uplands in Dumfriesshire. The paintings are tied together to make a book with baling twine. I also made a series of concertina postcards, like the 'Wish you were here' ones I recall collecting in childhood, using digital images and text.

Suzanne Stuart Davies

Suzanne Stuart Davies

Fosnignjgkiwhqxrqzzyg Suzanne Davies

by what lake's edge, what rushes


Blue Fishing Hut

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