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The Principles of Divergence

Theresa Easton

The Principles of Divergence references Darwin’s research into Natural Selection in his book ‘On the Origin of Species’ 1859. Darwin’s detailed and methodical presentation of the animal kingdom provides a wealth of inspiration for Easton’s interpretation in the form of a suitcase. The medium of printmaking and techniques in making artist’s books provides Easton with a fluid connection between idea and object. The suitcase acts as a metaphor and reflects Darwin’s experiment using a wooden frame, placed in garden soil to capture and record the plants and insects present over a controlled period of time.

Theresa Easton

Theresa Easton

Theresa Easton

Theresa Easton

prettier-ignore-start Theresa maria easton the principles of di 125283 prettier-ignore-end Theresa Easton

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