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The Scriptorium : Architectural Model

Theatre for Research MAKING PLACE Speculative/Performative Learning Space Books Papers Readers Libraries They will be schools no longer, they will be popular academies, in which neither pupils nor masters will be known, where the people will come freely to get, if they need it, free instruction, and in which, rich in their own experience, they will teach in turn many things to the professors who shall bring them knowledge which they lack. This then will be a mutual instruction, an act of intellectual fraternity. Michael Bakunin, 1870. Freedom in Education/Anarchism, Colin Ward 2004.
prettier-ignore-start 3sw9pn9kwacnroynlww prettier-ignore-end Russell Moreton

Numinous Odyssey : Architectural Canvas/Painting in an English Garden

Reconstructed Figure in Landscape, Morn Hill, Winchester.

Bioscleave/Blue Particle Cloud/Diagram.

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