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The Space Between

Ollie Neale

Commissioned for the Dazzle & Disrupt exhibition at Quay Arts, Isle of Wight. this installation expands Jeannie's wall installations into the 3D space as walk in drawing. Based on the isometric grid, the installation of charcoal coated shapes and paper lines, appear on the wall. Hovering shapes in the mid and foreground, invite the viewer into the drawing, to frame their own view and look for space between. Through this movement, lines interact and distance is put into question, reflecting the intention of the Dazzle designs purpose of altering the perception of distance, movement and scale. 11 wall mounted charcoal rhomboid forms, charocal coated paper strips, stainless steel pins, 4 suspended rhomboid forms, three spines with charcoal coated paper strips, light and shadow.

Julian Winslow

10ch2j74v0e2ekas4efa Jeannie Driver

Lifting the Drawing off the Page: Boxed in.

Cube (currently appearing as)

Ash Steps (Title Withheld)

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