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The Volcano Dances

By  L C Persson 2013
16mm film/ HD video scanned together. Filmed in Iceland, Dimmuborgir. The Lava stone is from the Lava formations in Iceland. Installation at University of Reading, March 2013 “The Volcano dances” A 360 degree turn from Volcano to Volcano. October and November. Over and over again, slowed down, with multiple exposures. The landscape of Dimmuborgir and Myvátn looks like something out of a science fiction film. The earth below is alive. In Iceland the whole landscape is alive, boiling, squirting, changing. We will never know what’s going on below, not really. We can measure and convey the information we know. But one can really feel the Earth move. The title is taken from a short story of JG Ballard. “The stick-dancer stood by his hole above the bank, resting his hands on the two spears. The cone of the volcano, partly hidden by the dust, trembled behind his back”. Installation: Projection, platform with a lava stone on aluminium pegs and a drawing.
prettier-ignore-start Linda Photography headshot portrait London artist portrait Linda 5 1714144055 prettier-ignore-end L C Persson

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