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The World We Live In

By  Martyn Lucas 2011
‘The World We Live In’ celebrated the Turnpike Gallery’s 40th anniversary. My selection of art works aimed to resonate with the history of the gallery as well as the current social and political landscape. It is a credit to the Arts Council Collection that works such as these are made available to galleries like the Turnpike, where many visitors are encountering these artists for the first time. We presented paintings, sculpture, photography and video by post-war and contemporary British artists, several of whom have shown previously at the Turnpike, including: Frank Auerbach, Anna Barriball, Douglas Binder, David Chadwick, Prunella Clough, David Hepher, Chris Killip, Michael Landy, LS Lowry, Mark Neville, Cornelia Parker, Vicken Parsons, Victor Pasmore, Simon Patterson, Tom Philips, William Scott, George Shaw, Ian Walker, Mark Wallinger, Patrick Ward, Carel Weight, Richard Wentworth, Rachel Whiteread, Elizabeth Wright.
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