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Things Beginning with M, The Map of The Many Mothers

By  Catherine Rive 2010 - 2019
Things Beginning with ‘M’ A piece of theatre exploring womanhood through dance, words and art. A woman’s journey – how does a woman find her way through. What maps, signs and stories help along the way? Finding one’s way from adolescence to adulthood and through to old age. Secrets, lies, taboo subjects, hidden truths, honesty and women's views and opinions on things beginning with ‘M’. Exploring this idea visually and created as a result of collaborating with this project The Map of the Many Mothers: An ongoing project. Have you any advice; tips, pearls of wisdom, family sayings, stories given to you by other women that you could share to help the rest of us navigate our way through life? Contributions welcome.
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Found Map 14 Leaf Series

Found Map 2 Leaf Series

Found Map 13 Leaf Series

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