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Drinking straws are organized and planted in the grass. The straws function is comparable to that of plants, drawing moisture/ nutrients from the soil and visually similar to a flower bed. There is a suggestion of drinking, perhaps a frenzy of drinking. Also a suggestion of man-made or man-interfered-with botanicals, a rush to extract the nutrients/resources of the earth and perhaps also a celebration of the abundance we enjoy. There is an unexpected experience when walking up the path between the straws when the viewer experiences a disturbance/ loss of balance, having to steady themselves, almost drunk... unbalanced and an uneasiness, perhaps references to over consumption. In sunlight the tips of the straws light up and suggest fairy lights, delicate tentacles, magical corals and from some views, nets or netting.
Ghsbwoscg0ib3xym9ypquq Susan Williams




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