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Time Garden Artworks

By  Stephen Towns 2011 - 2018

Time Garden

This site specific project is based in Frimley Park Hospital NHS Trust. I am the project consultant and I curate it. The Time Garden is a garden specifically for terminal patients and their families. The project involves the selection and siting of artworks in this garden, both sculpture and 2D work, created by Fine Art students from the University for the Creative Arts, Farnham. This is a live project for the students, and a unique environment for art outside the traditional gallery space. The art enhances the healing environment, and was selected by the Kings Fund as a project that they supported from its conception. It is renewed each year, with new work selected and sited. I publish a book that documents the project. This is an award winning project, the first of its kind in the UK, and has proved to be a great success.

Time Garden Pavilion

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Spatia #3

Equivalent 5LE in Red

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