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time traces and transformation

By  Caryl Beach 2023
I have been developing work for this upcoming collaboration. Continuing my themes of time and memory, in the form of photographic imagery layered and manipulated to transform into photogravure prints. Time Traces and Transformation: An exhibition of current work by Caryl Beach, Mary Down, Jonathan Emmerson, Marian Hall, Declan Hoare, and Sally Tyrie. This exhibition brings together six multi-disciplinary artists who met at Digswell Arts Studios in Hertfordshire. Each artist embraces and responds to the theme of 'Time, Traces and Transformation'. With an emphasis on printmaking, this exhibition of innovative works reveals how the artists explore visual dialogues and layered meaning as a way to map time.

poster design for the exhibition Sally Anderson

Print on Metal by Caryl Beach

Print on Metal by Caryl Beach

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treeline series 1


Horse Chestnut

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