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Trees At Risk

By  Michèle Lazenby 2016 - 2017
Trees at Risk (Some Already Gone) This set of tree portraits serves as documentation of a small sample of the trees that we stand to lose or have already lost within our neighbourhood. Unfortunately, as further streets are added in the proposed felling scheme, this archive will continue to grow. There is a diverse range of species living on our streets including London Plane, Sycamore, Common Lime, Common Ash, Horse Chestnut, Japanese Cherry, Common Hawthorn, Whitebeam, Rowan, Elm and Birch. Each individual tree is unique. As the company delivering the PFI contract for road improvements, identifies trees to be felled, surveys are sent out to local residents by the council as a gesture resembling consultation. If enough residents (more than 50%) object to the plans the decisions are referred to an Independent Tree Panel. However, Sheffield residents only receive information about the street we live on. We are not informed of or invited to comment on the plans for the condemned trees on any other streets in our local areas or wider city through this process. The recommendations of the Independent Tree Panel are frequently disregarded and trees are felled despite being healthy and economical engineering solutions being available. Many people have been shocked when they began to realise how many familiar trees could go (or have already gone) throughout the city. This body of photographic work in progress was shown in group exhibition In Celebration of Trees at Bank St Arts, Sheffield January 2017. The exhibition was initiated by the Nether Edge Trees Group as part of the Save the Trees campaign in response to the current political-environmental situation in the city. It was funded by the Woodland Trust.
2cqvnmftausdm9qwg8yrtw Michèle Lazenby

Untitled (birches)

Untitled (carnation)

Untitled (dried apricots with wasp)

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