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Two-Legged Idleness, Untaped

By  Robert Luzar 2013 - 2014
Two-person live-art event & internet streamed video, variable materials. This work uses video that is streamed live – and unrecorded – from the internet. A digital projector, which is connected to a computer, broadcasts the video which shows the artist located in a space that has no clear address – studio? Home? Work place or office? The video is projected into a space, usually a gallery, or exhibition space, where the audience and a second artist are located. The second artist faces and views the live steam projection of the first artist. The first artist cannot see the second artist. The actions and postures presented by both artists shift from standing upright, to lingering, and one reoccurring gesture – laying upon the floor and with feet placed up against the wall. Static and lingering, the gesture ending the work flips to a form of idleness. 'Doing nothing'? Or 'doing little, or least'? These are some questions left for audiences to reflect on – or not reflect at all.

Photos by Timo Kube. Presented at the live art and drawing event Draw to Perform 1.

Photos by Timo Kube. Presented at the live art and drawing event Draw to Perform 1.

Photos and video by Ed Pien.

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Highlighted Dust-Sheets with Doorsteps

Two Seen, One Unseeing

Untitled (with video)

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