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Speculative Fields/Indexical Drawings : Bodies/Spatial Bodies and Practices

By  Russell Moreton 2010 - 2024

We are composed of matter and live in the midst of matter. Our objective should not be to renounce matter, but to search for a form of matter other than objects. What that form is called-architecture,gardens,technology- is not important.

Anti-Object :  Kengo Kuma

Artistic practice is being acknowledged as the production of knowledge, and theoretical and curatorial endeavours have taken on a far more experimental and inventive dimension. Both existing in the realm of potentiality and possibility, rather than that of exclusively material production.

Irit Rogoff. What is a Theorist? 2006

Matters of concern/artistic practice.

Bodyscapes/Processual Bodies/Drawings/Being undone by theory.

Relationscapes Between Human Bodies and Spatial Bodies.

The complex process of knowledge production.

What is an artist?  

Practitioner using the creative receptiveness of material together with the inclusion of drawing to harbour transits and passages of human presence, vulnerabilities centred around the human condition. My work adopts strategies which articulate a sense of absence and anonymity within the abandonment of the work to its location. I feel drawn to this registering of passage, encounter together with its farewell. The choice of materials gathered together implies a personal geography, with both an emotional and aesthetic sense of locality and place. The performative recording by physical means which renders itself as a trace of human presence, now becomes a vacant territory open for the consideration of others.

My work continues to investigate this sense of material response with the performative trace of a human absences. The place-ment of these acts attempts to promote thresholds from which to reflect upon spatial, sociological and psychological conditions and perceptions.

Currently working in clay, low fired to produce and promote a fragile vessel. This vessel is installed to act as a dwelling presence reverberating in a resting place. from which work is drawn into the human form to register a surface of absences resulting from past gestures and solitudes.



An indexical trace drawing, developed through photograms of plants and seeds, together with astronomical mappings.

The Body of Drawing/Butades/Panspermia

Outpost 1738311751 Russell Moreton

Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death : Otto Dov Kulka

Angelus Gallery : Winchester College Art School

Bioscleave/Blue Particle Cloud/Diagram.

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