Untitled (eleven) - detail
Helen Barff
2019, jesmonite, rope, concrete, on mdf, 675 x 60 x 18 cm
I asked people to write a memory of clothing on a postcard, and then went round charity shops trying to find clothing that matched their description. I was drawn to the impossibility of my task, which seemed appropriate to the way memory functions, with degrees of distance, mediated or ‘lost in translation’. I cast each piece of clothing she found on a rope. The colour and pattern comes directly from the clothing. I have used rope before in my work, in this case it brings to mind a washing line, but also refers to story told by 97 year old Jackie about learning to swim by being cast out to sea on a rope! The rope meanders across the floor resembling a tide line and washed up objects.
Installation view Worthing Museum, part of solo exhibition and research project Memory of Clothes with the museum and Guildcare care home for the elderly. Funded by Arts Council England. Photo: Andrew Youngson.
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