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utter, utter, utter

utter, utter, utter is a newly constructed collaborative performance by artists Alex Hetherington and Lyndsay Mann that collages appropriated and recombined texts on contemporaneity and voice, the functions of writing for film and letter-writing, ideas of the moving image screen and its ambiguities and contradictions. The devised script and its delivery begins with two independent formations that move toward each other, physically and contextually, to converge and synchronise before collapsing and dividing again. Utter, utter, utter brings together materials from a range of sources including Raqs Media Collective, Daria Martin, Marguerite Duras, Leo Tolstoy, Hannah Arendt and Lucy Skaer, with new writing from Lyndsay Mann. Performance on 17 February 2018, Cooper Gallery, Dundee as part of "Press the Eject and Give Me the Tape", with performances, readings and sound by Kate Davis, Michelle Hannah, Anne-Marie Copestake, Duncan Marquiss and Corin Sworn. Image: Ron Vawter, ‘Channel J’, The Wooster Group, 1985
59tfxszmqkynuipcx4qdwq Alex Hetherington

FFWD, The Hallucinating Edge, Pure Movement

Untitled (Steve Jobs suicide)

Screen Test with Francis McKee's 16mm Bolex camera.

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