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View from Kitchen - from The Broadway House Photo Project

By  Elly Clarke 2006

Millie Steele

20.3cm x 30.5cm

The Broadway House Photo Project was a participatory with residents of Broadway House in Hackney. Participants took three photographs each, from and inside their flats - one looking North, another looking south, and a third photo of whatever they wanted inside their homes. With funding from Hackney Community Empowerment Network, an exhibition was put on of all photographs. At the private view participants met each other often for the first time, despite several having lived in Broadway House for many years. Part of the profit of sales from this project goes to the Broadway House Tenants and Residents Association.
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HOW ARE YOU? #Sergina’s Participatory Soap Opera about Wrestling with Wellbeing in the Digital Age, 31.03.20

180905PM, Sajin-Sanda, Mongolia, 4pm local time


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