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Watches for an Ordinary Day

By  Letty McHugh 2022

Hello – welcome to Watches for an Ordinary Day. Six short missives made in my tiny bedroom that have found their way to you. The best place to watch these films is under the covers in your bed at home. The second-best place is wherever you are right now. In the garden, on a bus, cutting up an onion to go in whatever you’re having for tea. You can take a moment for calm and connection wherever feels right to you.  Each film is made in response to a specific time of Day, but you can watch them whenever you want, I’m not your boss, and time is made up anyway. Please do watch on full screen though.

Watches — Video — Letty McHugh

IMG 1163 1716941267 Letty McHugh

You Are Standing in History

Early summer 2021 I was walking home one evening when I saw a pile of stuff someone had clearly left out for the scrap man. In the middle of the pile was this beautiful old Hand-wound sewing machine. It broke my heart to see it abandoned in the gutter, so I brought it home. 

The machine had obviously been living at the back of a garage or a garden shed for years. Everything that should’ve moved had seized up and everything that should stay still was worryingly easy to move.  In the…

The Unknown Sewing Machine

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