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WO/MAN 2017 This design was made with ‘Nasty Women UK’ in mind. The work ‘Nasty Women’ does supports women in vulnerable circumstances, raises awareness, educates wider audiences, and raises funds to provide further assistance to those in need. The artwork is a technology driven playful demonstration of women's abilities. Within this piece you will unearth gender norms: stereotyped colour allocation; visuals depicting needlework. This practice also examines the use of language within Art and how meaning moves about, can be translated, or miscommunicated. This short line (‘often a woman’) is taken from the idea that many great moments in history are owed to the actions of women. We who read this and understand this are the future of women: we are everything they fought for; to be heard, to be the same. I would like to put gender norms, and the expectations that come with them on the table and begin a conversation - 'Man' and 'Woman' are just two words; two boxes for two types of person, but what about everyone else? It's time to make a whole, an inclusive, expressive breed of 'people'.
prettier-ignore-start F8qkhejzy0uysbufdt3qeg prettier-ignore-end Kristy Campbell

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