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Wooler Schools Project 1

Name: Where the Waters Meet. (Glendale Gateway Trust). Deliver 1 day workshop with Yr 7 (14 pupils) focusing upon Food Chains and Relationships within a local River Habitat in Wooler: Brown Trout and Mayfly through Water Colour pencils drawing and paintings , plus making Wire Mayflys. Delivery of 2 x 1 day workshops with Year 6 pupils focusing upon on Flower Structure - drawing / painting /modelling the parts of the flower in detail: through WaterColour pencil and drawings and paintings: Through Thistle and Dog Rose flowers, plus models of same flowers in air drying clay.

Angela Kennedy

Angela Kennedy

Angela Kennedy

prettier-ignore-start Imaginary Journey 2 Nov 2023 1714151616 prettier-ignore-end Angela Kennedy

Coming Out of the Woods

Live drawing

What's left

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