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Ronnie Danaher, still from ‘If you jump on a moving party tram, where do you land?’, 2024. Image: courtesy of the artist.

Axis x Corridor8 writing collaboration

Axis is delighted to announce our partnership with Corridor8, a not-for-profit platform for contemporary visual arts and writing in the North of England.

This summer, as part of our commitment to critical art writing, three Axis Pro Members were paired with writers and editors from Corridor8 to create new reflective articles about their practice. 

The three Axis Pro Members are:


To read an excerpt of each of the articles, click the links below:

Ronnie Danaher is an artist and filmmaker working with moving image, digital technology and sculptural installation to explore the sacred in the digital world. Their work is informed by the humour and pressures of growing up in a large Irish Catholic family, and the internet as a space to prototype alternative identities and systems of belief.

Aidan Moesby is an artist, curator and writer, who works at the intersection of the visual arts, wellbeing and technology. Their socially-engaged explorations are catalysed by site- and context-specific interventions.

Hannah Leighton-Boyce is an artist working across a variety of sculpture formats including collage, drawing, sound, installation, performance duration. Their work often contemplates the built environment in relationship with the body, and has recently been exploring voice around illness, disability, and care.


The writers from Corridor8 are Abi Mitchell, Amie Kirby and Dave Pritchard.


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