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A Sea of Green, 2024 by Sam Lee

Highlights: 2 - 8 September, 2024

New Art Highlights includes: Robert Sherratt, Sam Lee, nikkita morgan and Carla Wright


The Last Flight. Acrylic on wood, 2024

Robert Sherratt

Acrylic on wood. 2024

76 x 76 cm


A Sea of Green, 2024

Sam Lee


A series of prints made on a press but finished in the landscape with light and nature finishing the art work. Direct Impressionism.

40 x 55 cm


Oppressor or Victim, 2024

nikkita morgan


An embroidered artwork, on tea/coffee stained fabric that explores imagery in relation to current political and conflict concerns, that is happening around the world.  I have stitched 2 short poems that respond to my depiction of the current global situation.


Play Stool (orange hills), 2024

Carla Wright


Stoneware ceramic, slips, glaze.






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