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Funding 101

The Uncultured tell you all you ever wanted to know about artist funding but were too afraid to ask!


Ashleigh Bowmott and Laura Sweeney are arts independents working collaboratively to produce, curate, facilitate and advocate. 

They describe themselves as 'a bit feral, quite undomesticated and not very civilised',  lifelong freelancers who co-dependently work together to offer their combined skillset to support others in the sector.

"Artist and arts worker development is at the core of our practice, and we believe freelancers need to be empowered (with money and resources) to support other freelancers in a way that organisations are not able to. Our view is that sustainability within our sector is in crisis and autonomous, prosperous, healthy lives are often not achievable for those working professionally in the arts. This structural failure needs to be attended to by everyone working within it. Therefore, no matter our line of work, our focus is always on better, more equitable working conditions in the arts."


Book here!




Wed, 23rd Oct 2024


19:30 - 20:30





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