Listening better - with Amelia Hawk
Listening better - with Amelia Hawk
Amelia will talk about The Listening Line, a telephone artwork created as a safe space for exhausted voices to be heard. Towards the end of the session we will have an optional participatory activity where you will be paired with another person to creatively listen and respond. If you would like to participate in the activity please have access to a piece of paper and pen/pencil.
About Amelia
Amelia Hawk (she/her) is a visual artist based in Sandwell, Birmingham. She creates experiences and conversation as a way to make and share artwork. She is guided by feelings and emotions. Her work often addresses mental health and socio-political subjects, coming from a position of caring for a parent with Schizoaffective Disorder. In 2022 Amelia trained to Level 3 in Counselling Skills to support her work with communities. She now combines counselling tools within her practice and workshops to create a safe space for participants. Amelia is the 2024 Engagement Fellow for Spike Island, Bristol. She holds an MA from Kunstakademiet Oslo (2015). She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally including venues such as The Festival of Northern Norway, Intercultural Museum, Oslo; Munch Museum, Oslo; Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo; Tenthaus, Oslo; Luda, St Petersburg; National Gallery, Prague. Recently she undertook ACE funded R&D to research how to integrate counselling strategies into her practice resulting in The Listening Line phoneline, Listening Objects, and other associated works including an emotional coffee van commissioned by Multistory and hosted in Warley Woods, Sandwell.
19:00 - 20:00Where