James Cross
James Cross’ practice examines emotional states, thought patterns, and the construction of the self. His works exist as single points in a narrative, with an intended before and after. They investigate the subtleties of everyday interactions and human responses through a reimagining of the familiar, it is through this intimacy of the everyday that the works can find their potency.
Within his object oriented practice, the craft of making is essential; material relationships, the explicit handmade nature, and the time imbued in the works all act to draw the viewer into the narrative. Throughout his work, James is looking for ways in which the artworks, and the relationships between them, can create atmospheres within and around themselves. This is achieved through an intentional method of making, the use of imagery suggestive of ongoing narrative, and the exploration of how we relate to objecthood.
The role of play is integral to James’ practice, informing both the content and the creation of the works. It is through this vital characteristic that the works can simultaneously be honest, earnest, funny, and engaging.