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Rebecca Chesney

My work looks at land, environment and nature. Commissions include British Textile Biennial, Harewood Craft Biennial, HOME Manchester, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Compton Verney, Newlyn Art Gallery, the Brontë Parsonage Museum.

I am interested in how we perceive land: how we romanticise, translate and define urban and rural spaces. I look at how politics, ownership, management and commercial value all influence our surroundings and have made extensive investigations into the impact of human activities on nature and the environment. Exploring the blurred boundaries between science and folklore, my work is also concerned with how our understanding of species is fed by this confused mix of truth and fiction. My projects take the form of installations, interventions, drawings, maps and walks and are underpinned by research into the protection of the environment, conversations with scientists and a desire to make work specific to chosen locations.


Conditions At Present

The Cherry Weep While the Ash Dieback


The Storm

Future Landscape

Future Landscape

Water Lines (London)

Landscape #2

Landscape #3

Flood Stick

Diseased Sycamore Leaf

Diseased Cherry Leaf

Featured in


Weekly Highlights: 1-7 April, 2024

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