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Michele Jaffe-Pearce

Abstract painter, working with oil paint, cold wax, hot wax and ink. I work on canvas, glass, board and Japanese papers.I exhibit in central London galleries and group shows.

Using Abstraction and Abstract Expressionism, my paintings are explorations in intense colour, inspired by my joy in the natural world and my fascination with the cosmos.  My current body of work examines the role of earth, spinning away like a tiny jewel in the solar system. I have been fired by recent images sent back to earth from the International Space Station,  revealing worlds hitherto unseen, with atmsopheric optics of pre-dawn skies, star streams, ice crystals, fire rainbows and light pillars.   The link between scientific discovery and celestial imagery is the driving force behind my work.  I use paint in a very fluid way - diluting, pouring, moving it with air or heat to create  abstract paintings that address this intersection between the physical, metaphysical and mystical.  


Atmospherics (1), Ballinglen

Earthspin (10)

Earthspin (8)

Earthspin (6)

Earthspin (5)

Earthspin (4)

Earthspin (3)

Earthspin (2)

Earthspin (1)

Rhythm & Flow

Renewal II

Gathering Sparks (12)

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