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Jane Human

The major theme of my work is the exploration of a sense of place, rooted in the British tradition of reportage. I am particularly interested to evoke a response to the experience of being there in the environment, rather than to record topography. It is an interpretation of space in flux, always influenced by light, weather, sound, of fixing a fleeting moment or a series of viewpoints, the passing of time, transience as opposed to the concrete. I wish to encapsulate this experience developed through recurring visits to a place, by working in series. Each image alludes to that place just enough to allow space for individual interpretation. Increasingly this distillation results as much in landscapes of memory as of reality. This is particularly true of the Spurn series (2007) with its emphasis on the territory between land and sea, vast spaces exposed and diminished by tides, a blurring of the margins. Also, the Seville Alcazar series (2006) by contrast seeks to explore enclosure, glimpsed openings through to hidden, intimate spaces. To make this work I use an offset litho press to produce multi-layered monotypes and work on several images from a series at any one time. Whilst formalising ideas to create an initial working structure, the ongoing process is not predetermined and is essentially intuitive. Exploration of colour, gesture and energy within mark-making are intrinsic to the way each work progresses and elements appear or are hidden as layers build. To finish a piece may take many weeks, which allows the whole series of work to remain open to possibility.

Floating Islands VII

Reflected III

Reflected II

Reflected I (Diptych)

Looking Out to Sea 13

Looking Out to Sea 12

Looking Out to Sea 11

Looking Out to sea 10

Looking Out to Sea 7

Looking out to Sea 1

Reflected - the buoy

Slow Motion

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