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Deborah Gardner


Deborah Gardner is based in Yorkshire, is a member of the Royal Society of Sculptors and lectures at the University of Leeds. She exhibits nationally and internationally in museums, galleries, cemetries, libraries, regeneration sites, hospitals as well as traditional gallery settings.  Recent work considers the vibrancy of cell, plant and geological structures and our relationships with them. Many sculptures explore networkable assemblages, such as hives and colonies and the growth structures of physical phenomena.  Gardner’s work consistently explores mutability and adaptability in sculpture making. Recent exhibitions include: Monument, Musee des Beaux Arts, Calais, France; Conway Actants, Conway Hall, London; Landscape, Art & Uncertainty, Southampton City Art gallery; Textures of Place at both Galeria Strefa Erasmusa, Lódz, Poland and Inselgalerie, Berlin and New Doggerland, Thames-side gallery, London. Recent awards for research include: An Arts Council project with the Biomedical Research Centre, Leeds, a Leeds Museum Innovation and Galleries Fund and Arts and Science collaborations funded by the Zoological Society, London and the Biochemical Society.



Where Two Worlds Collide

Crystal Magma

Silver Tree


Doll's Eye Poison


Comet Tree

Of Plants and Planets

Colony I

Marsden Rock Communities

Conway Hive

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