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Amanda Hancock

Artist and printmaker, my work is informed by an ongoing curiosity in the textural qualities achieved through print.

I’m a visual artist with a focus on intaglio printmaking techniques, where an incised or textured plate is inked, wiped and printed on damp paper under the pressure of an etching press. However, excited by surface and having a curiosity in the qualities achieved through print has led to an experimental approach – pilfering and cross-purposing techniques as a means of describing ‘our’ marks and interventions within the landscape and challenging perceptions of the familiar and mundane.

Although process shapes the work an understated narrative, underpins my prints; be it a place, a mood or a moment re-imagined. Developing longer-term projects allows continued investigation into both theme and process, enabling my work to ebb and flow. The fusion of ideas resulting in a series of images that relate to each other irrespective of process, with some works being unique or variable monotypes whilst others are created as limited editions.

In November ’23, I embarked on a year-long Fellowship Residency at Artlab Contemporary Print Studio in Preston, representing a shift in my learning and creative practice. Part of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), Artlab CPS is described as ‘a hub for incubating ideas and methods, developing innovative thinking about printmaking as a fine art discipline’.

Before a career shift from design for print to printmaking, I made a conscious decision to explore traditional print techniques on the Complete Printmaker Course at Hot Bed Press in Salford, where I remain a member. I’m also a member of the Regional Print Centre in Wrexham, North Wales, both of which provide access to amazing facilities and the camaraderie of fellow printmakers!



2023-2024: One year Fellowship Residency at Artlab CPS, at UCLan Preston.

2019/20: Completed years two and three of the Complete Printmaker Programme at Hot Bed Press, Salford.

2015: Year one of the three year Complete Printmaker Programme at Hot Bed Press, Salford.

BA (Hons) Graphic Design – Manchester School of Art, Mcr Metopolitan University.


Member: Hot Bed Press Printmakers' Studio in Salford
Member: Regional Print Centre in Wrexham
Associate member: Castlefield Gallery


2023 August: Fusion Gallery, Jackfield in Ironbridge 'Printmakers Fair'.
A Group show with over 180 works on display by 18 printmakers

2022 May 6th - June 6th: ‘Watch this Space’, 285 Deansgate, Manchester.
‘Tracing the path to new horizons’ Collaborative installation together with artist Grace Collins (@onethousandprinces) in part resulting from our postal interactions during lockdown.

2022 January: Manchester Open at HOME MCR.
Printers Pairs etching selected for the second Manchester Open

2021 October 14-17th: Hot Bed Press Gallery, Salford. Installation of ‘Tracing The Path’. Comprising a series of free hanging prints paired with trace collages and 4.5m trace hanging as part of ‘Where were at’ a group show by INGO Collective.

2020 February 6-19th: Bean and Brush Art Café, Sale Manchester ‘Two Red Walls’.
Paired artists – part of an INGO Collective rolling group show.

2020 January: Inaugural Manchester Open at HOME MCR.
Two screenprints of the Welsh hills near Moel Fammau


Pressing Matters – Print selected in the blue and yellow challenge spring 23 Issue 23
Printmaking Today – Article about Lockdown Collaborations the summer 2022 issue.

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