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Chris Reynolds

New Brighton. Wallasey
Much of my work is inspired by the landscape and the sounds around me. The act of drawing is key for me so I try to approach each canvas as I do my sketchbook. 

My aim is to capture something, whilst considered, remains fresh and spontaneous. The final image only emerging following a process of discovery

I am also fascinated by urban explorations and hidden time capsules that are quickly being reclaimed by nature. We transform landscapes and leave our unmistakable marks, but they are not always indelible. When we move out, nature quickly moves in to stake its claim. 

I am now exploring these themes by revisiting, destroying, and reusing previous works. This is primarily to reflect upon my history, my visual diary and to consolidate those recurring concepts and ideas, and of course as a way of understanding my own place in the world and personal legacy. 



Expressing the Unspoken

Expressing the Unspoken



"1982 Palette"





"Residual Notation"

Ready For Spring


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