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Christian Ryan

Stained Glass Artist

Christian is an award winning stained glass artist based in Bridgend, Wales. For over twenty years he has been commissioned to create glass artwork all over the United Kingdom and abroad, from public projects to private commissions. He is an associate member of the British Society of Master Glass Painters and a member of the Makers Guild in Wales.

Qualifications and training 2000 - BA Hons Architectural Stained Glass, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, Swansea Projects 2010 - Series of Glass Wall Panels, Peninsula Dental School, Devonport 2009 - Concourse Glazing, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester 2007 - Clerestory Glazing, Hollywater Special School, Bordon, Hampshire 2006 - Entrance Glazing, Elham Way Community House, Western Super Mare 2006 - Room for Reflection, Long Fox Unit, Western Super Mare 2005 - Etched Sash Window, Private Residence, London 2005 - Reception Panels, Childens' Hospital for Wales, Cardiff 2004 - The Trinity Windows, St Cadoc's Church, Cardiff

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