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Eleanor Leonne Bennett



"Bennett’s haunting photographs’ esoteric appeal made me curious about the artist, a young woman living in the UK who has met with a great deal of success. One of her most compelling portraits was made at age fourteen. I wanted to ask her more about her evocative work, about these mysterious scenes of bare feet on an icy ground, the sadness and provocation of her portrait of bruised knees, and the empty trailer fading out like a ghost, an old forgotten memory. Eleanor moves back and forth effortlessly between photographing the natural world, the everyday, to motifs of loss, homelessness, and brutality. There is nothing like a conversation with an artist." - Rosa JH Berland


“She has developed a phenomenal ability to generate fresh and vital images which span photographic genres. She exudes confidence when taking a decisive break with conventional notions of photographic design" - The Photographic Angle


"With over 60,000 images under her young belt, Bennett is pushing boundaries in the older, male-dominated industry status quo through her personal vision and strong sense of self. Eleanor Leonne Bennett draws from her personal sensibilities to create her unique imagery. By embracing making mistakes and letting rejection slide off her back, she’s coming into her own as a true talent in the industry. Bennett is reaping the rewards of rolling with the punches as she moves forward with her singular vision"- Colin Comp


Prole, Issue 16 - cover art

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