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Eliana Sánchez Aldana

Colombia, Bogotá
Designer, weaver, feminist, textile researcher-maker

Designer, weaver, and feminist from Bogotá. I create spaces of collective creation and material discussion in which textile making is the protagonist. I research-make textiles as particular ways of thinking, as touch technologies that are experienced through the body, transforming who makes them.

I studied Design at the National University of Colombia. I hold a Master of Sciences in Textile Management of The Swedish School of Textiles and studies in Design and Textile Art at Aalto University. Currently, I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Colombia. My research project is focused on the exploration of textile performances as encounters of human and more-than-human subjects. Reunions in which is made the common and I, as a weaver, (un)make myself.

I work as an associate professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Universidad de Los Andes. Since August 2022 I am the Regional Editor - Latin America - for TEXTILE: Cloth & Culture.



2005. Industrial designer. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

2013. MSc. Textile Management. Swedish School of Textiles 

2023. PhD. Social and Human Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Other studies:

2012. Exchange student at Textile Art and Design. Aalto University


Associate Professor. Design Department. Universidad de os Andes. Colombia. 

Regional Editor- Latinamerica. Journal - Textile: Cloth and Culture. Taylor & Francis. England. 

Most recent projects:

Ongoing. Part of the editorial team - Volume 9: Sacred and Ceremonial. Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of World Textiles. Editors: Jannis Jeafries - Vivienne Richmond. England. 

Ongoing. Collaboration. Leading Researcher: Andrea Botero. From the lab and the studio to the garden, the forests and back. Academi of Finland. 

Ongoing. PhD Thesis. Unweaving/weaving absences: textile and human corporealities in textile ecologies that unweave/weave individual and collective subjectivities.

2018-2020: Mending the New: A Framework for Reconciliation Through Testimonial Digital Textiles in the Transition to Post-Conflict Rural Colombia. The project is funded by a UKRI Newton-Colciencias ODA Award 2018-2020 (£524,733) – Grant Reference AH/R013640/1 


2020. Artful Integrators Award. (Mention). Mending the New: A Framework for Reconciliation Through Testimonial Digital Textiles in the Transition to Post-Conflict Rural Colombia. 


2019. ¿Qué son los activismos textiles?: una mirada desde los estudios feministas a catorce casos bogotanos. Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigación Social. Vol. 19, Núm. 3. ISSN: 15788946

Editorial: Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Servei de Publicacions.

2019. Textile Material Metaphors to Describe Feminist Textile Activisms: From Threading Yarn, to Knitting, to Weaving Politics. Textile-Cloth and Culture . ISSN: 1751-8350. Taylor and Francis Ltd.

2019. Hacer-se textil: cuestionando la feminización de los oficios textiles. Tabula Rasa. ISSN: 1794-2489. Editorial: Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca.

2019. Testimonial Digital Textiles: Material metaphors to think with care about reconciliation with four memory sewing circles in Colombia. Proceedings - No 8 (2019): NORDES 2019: WHO CARES. ISSN: 1604-9705 p.1 - 7 v.1 . Finland. 

2019. Capitulo 77. Textiles testimoniales digitales (Colombia). Una charla con Tania Pérez-Bustos y Eliana Sánchez-Aldana. Podcast. Podcast Spotify de la Serie Diseño y diáspora.

2020. How can digital textiles embody testimonies of reconciliation?. Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference ISBN: 978-1-4503-7700-3. ed: ACM Digital Library.


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