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Henry Amos

North Shields
My work, experience and training span across two main fields: art and architecture: Focussing on space(s) and the interplay between them and the experience of being there

Molten Architecture Henry Amos is an architect who has put glass right at the centre of his practice because he recognises this enormous potential and how its particular characteristics can be used to inspire a more dynamic and open architecture. [] What is distinctive about Amos' approach is the emphasis he places on glass as a metaphor in architecture that as he states 'lets the audience imaginatively inhabit the structure of the world around them'. When in 'Metro-Morphosis' he suspended 28 metres of glass from the ceiling of a pedestrian bridge with fine nylon thread he wanted the audience to share his vision of transparency that would challenge the familiar solidity of architecture. As the public walk across the bridge it comes alive with sound and light rippling across its surface inviting the viewer to ponder where they were going, where they came from and highlighting as Amos suggests 'somewhere in the space between'. This is work that tries to identify what the language of glass in architecture could be in the future, often using glass with a combination of the latest technologies. It includes processes of public and audience engagement in all stages in the development of a project in a refreshing spirit of open ended investigation, research and experiment. Prior to the construction of Metro-Morphosis Amos had already developed and tested the idea in an innovative process open to people he called 'interact' where the Globe Gallery became a kind of open studio for the development of ideas through hands on creative projects with an invited public. (Part of larger review by Gary Power - University of Newcastle for Bound Publication)


Public commissions

2020 Opening Glass Gallery on the Fish Quay

2019 HOD Public Tours with Glass House

2018 Set up Creative Hub on Fish Quay with others

2018 HODs and Walk and Tours about cutting edge creativity now in historic context

2016 ongoing Art Architecture Research Exploration - Active Haus Fish Quay: Scheduled Monument

2015 Leading Lights Old Low Light: Listed Grade 2: 3D printed translucent inter-active installation

2014 Windscreen Tessellation - Experiments for surface covering with recycled wind shields

2013 Blast Blocks Cullercoats – Low environmental impact, re-use installation in an historic harbour

2012 /15 / 16 Alaistar Pilkington Award for Innovation Society of Glass Technologists

2012 Window Farms Newcastle University Culture Lab Onsite – experimental temporary installation.

2012 Screen II Competition - Worshipful Company of Glaziers Winner - Special Award

2009 Foucault's Pendulum Kesteven and Sleaford High School – inter-active 7m pendulum

2008 Holey Moley Sacriston Health Centre interventions – direct wall installation in a new build surgery

2006 – 2008 Future Platforms Tynemouth Metro Station Listed Grade 2* – temporary installations

2006 Cut Glass IV Dublin Botanic Gardens: Award Winner – Excellence in Large Scale Sculpture

2005 Imagining Aurora Science Learning Centre, Durham – solar and magnetic EMF research

2005 Inter-Section Tynemouth Station – time related public intervention on the platform

2005 Talking Posts Blyth Valley - Audio now in the National Sound Archives

2002 Touching the Void – Solo Show Tyneside Cinema – multi-media inter-active installation


Permanent Commissions

2018/9 S.Light (working title) Royal Quays Marina - Window integrated shaped stacked recycled glass

2016/7 Quake Hauxley Nature Discovery Centre 6No. Door Side Panels

2011 Rise Cullercoats - Wall integrated shaped stacked recycled glass

2010 Baroque Bird Box Hospital; Roseberry Park, Teeside

2010 Sightlines 4 Acre Sensory Trail, Carlisle Park, Morpeth – Start point William Turner's 'New Herball'

2009 Synapse Tanfield Lea – 30m long, 6 m high kinetic tension atrium piece

2009 F.LIGHT II Baltic Campus – Courtyard Work as a foil to the interior work,

2009 F.LIGHT Baltic Campus – 15m interactive work introducing interactive daylight into an atrium

2003 The Odd Pod – Akenside, Newcastle – 1 Tonne structural glass and wood sleeping pod

2002 Fissure; Slide Light – Cullercoats – Integrated kiln formed glass, slide images, lighting.


Collaborations / Group Shows

2009 20/20 Time Flies Market Towns Visioning Project with Commissions North

2005 Cut Glass III Waterperry Gardens / Art in Action

2005 Fracture National Glass Centre – Fracturing integrated into walls and glazing systems

2004 Vetrospective Phantasm The Biscuit Factory

2004 Ever Changing Light Touring Exhibition Tensegrity Upton House Oxfordshire

2004 Collaboration with Matt Hearn Locus+ Northern Architecture

2004 Glass Alfresco Cut Glass l + II Crook Hall Co Durham & Hutton Forest Integrated land installation.

2004 Shaping Light Glass & Architecture Tea Building London Video Installation

2004 Inter-change Architecture Week Tynemouth Station Micro Cinema installation

2003/4 METRO-MORPHOSIS The Bridge Gallery Tynemouth – 25m long multi-element suspended bridge

2003 INTER-ACT Solo Exhibition The Globe Gallery North Shields

2003 Ever Changing Light :Trace I, II Crook Hall Co Durham – Ground integrated fracture.

2002 Collaboration with David Arnold Water Tree Early Years Excellence Centre, Hadston

2000/1 Collaboration with Francis Gomilla – BALTIC Artist in Residence – Millennium Chicken



Winner – Excellence in Large Scale Sculpture - Cut Glass IV Dublin Botanic Gardens:
RIBA NORTH EAST CLIENT OF THE YEAR 2018 for Northumberland Wildlife Trust


Research Papers / Teaching / Tutoring:

Presentation Paper: Innovative Glass in Buildings – SGT 100 Anniversary International Conference 2016

Presentations and seminars: Thinking through Making – 'LIGHT' 2016 Newcastle University

Presentations and seminars: TechFest - 'Glass' Newcastle University 2015

Invited Speaker: Landscape Institute North East – Edible Architecture 2015

Invited Speaker: Pecha Kucha – Edible Cities presentation: 2014

Invited Speaker: INHABIT Edge Artists Symposium : 2012

Invited Speaker: Decoration or Integration Sunderland University: CGS / ESG Glass Conference 2009

Invited Speaker: Cafe Culture Chaired by PEALS, Science Learning Centre, Durham - Imagining Aurora

Research Presentation to Contemporary Glass Society: 2009

Research presentation to Society of Glass Technology: Local Section: 2008

Visiting Tutor: University of Northumbria - Yr 1; University of Sunderland - CAD Tuition in Art's Practice; University of Newcastle - Year Three Final Design; South Bank University - Year Two Design Tutor


Non-Executive and Advisory Roles

2014 – 2015 Mentor – HsED – My team Overall Winner

2002 – 2019 FISH Consultation Group

2002 – 2013 Heritage Consultation Group Fish Quay North Shields

2010 – 2011 National Glass Centre – Arts Advisory Committee

2004 – 2007 Trustee & Chairman – Scotswood Permaculture Garden


Work Related Learning / Research / Inter-disciplinary Activity

Architect Led Design & Build for a new very low impact Visitors Centre at Hauxley Nature Reserve

Architect : Brinkburn: new ecologically based tourist destination. 2 No. Awards : integrated renewables; Zero Carbon (Net) Building

Architect Led Design & Build for a mixed use sustainable building in an Ancient Scheduled Monument


Professional Qualifications:

RIBA Registered Architect in Registered Practice

Registered with the Architects Registration Board

Association of Environment Conscious Building (AECB) Member for 18 years


Academic Qualifications and Training:

RIBA Conservation Courses – 4 Day and 2 Day Advanced – 2012; 2016. ICOMOS Guidelines

MA Glass : Distinction – 2009

Permaculture course (1-year part time) at John Marley Centre, Scotswood, Newcastle upon Tyne 2003

Bachelor of Architecture Honours: Dip. Architectural Management

BA Architecture and Environmental Design Honours

Hot Glass Courses: National Glass Centre: Hot glass and blowing techniques; Borosilicate Courses


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