Ian Latham

I qualified with a BA in Fine Art in 1982 and after a long period working independently built a career in FE and HE from which I retired early in 2018. During my career I worked with a wide range of artists and arts organisations to make the opportunities available in the creative industries real to the students and to demonstrate how they could use their experiences to make work. Over the years I've worked with organisations as diverse as the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, Oxfam, Doncaster Museums and Archives, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council, Responsible Fishing and the Wayne Sables Project (to name a few). I currently make paintings and sculpture based on real and remembered landscapes that are presented together to suggest non-linear narratives. In 2004 I took timeout to study an MA in Creative Technology working with 3d modelling and real/virtual environments with a view to reflecting the superimposition of memory over place. Initially I use drawing to visualise, analyse and articulate the relationship between form, surface, and memory. I currently have six large paintings on display at Joro restaurant in Sheffield and have exhibited as frequently as I could, participating in group shows with colleagues which I coordinated, most recently with DARTS in Doncaster and the Contemporary Gallery in Barnsley, and entering exhibitions like the Ferens open in Hull and the Keighley Open. I have shown my own work in small galleries like the Brevon in Doncaster, Artscreative in Chesterfield and at Granary Wharf in Leeds. Over the last ten years the responsibilities associated with managing successful post 16 provision continually dragged against the desire to maintain and develop my identity as an artist and I retired to focus on my practice.