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Janet Tryner

Contemporary artist inspired by changing spaces and turbulence at ground level.

I am a socially-engaged, early career, multidisciplinary conceptual visual artist. I focus on mutable urban and suburban ground level ecosystems to explore intersections of culture, species and matter. For up to date information please see my website:

My research starts with collecting found objects and waste material and continues by investigating inter-connectedness via abstract form. This manifests variously: as hand-printing, sewn sculpture and installations, displaying a variety of salvaged material, including polythene and litter, as irl and hybrid augmented-reality installations, soundwalk, publications, natural clay processing unit, video and social art workshops.

Former residencies and projects, and a solo exhibition 'Library of Litter' at Coventry Artspace Arcadia Gallery, were inspired by my ‘Ground Level Investigations’ – a running social media theme – into litter and urban ecosystems, including: mushrooms, pioneer plants and oak gall wasps.

My work as an artist seeks to increase care and cultural perception of the ground level as a lived space shared between species which is vital to future wellbeing of all.

I am a studio holder with, and a trustee of Coventry Artspace, and a member of West Midlands social art collective, Radio Public, with Workshop 24. 

I hold a First Class BA Hons in Fine Art & Contemporary Culture, 2019, from University of Gloucestershire, a BA Hons History of Art, English and Media & Communications, 1993, from University of Wolverhampton and am currently studying MA Contemporary Art & Archaeology at UHI part time.  I live with my family in the West Midlands, UK.




Observation Station

Thing Blindness

End Papers

Library of Litter

A few rough hands, garden suburb

Clay Processing Unit

Bony, white, jumbled up and squashed in.

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