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JMC Anderson

Artist, Curator and Facilitator

                                                           Artist and Curator 

JMC Anderson aims to reveal and expose the nature of language that is within society, in an era paraded with visual advertisements. This opens up dialogue for the audience to attain a familiar yet unique experience.

Researching theories on semiotics and linguistics her belief is that language lives within everything.  Language is used in order to translate ideas and concepts. It is an apparatus. In this investigation, Anderson strives to question the construction and meaning that language is made up of through the use of characteristics, structure, design, domestic environments and objects. Through both passive and visual communication she considers sensual capacity and the reading process.






ECHOES BEYOND THE SEA, Norwich Art Centre, 04.10.17 - 25.10.17

LIGHT AND SPACE, St Marys Work, Norwich. Hosted by UNA Gallery, 01.08.17 - 21.08.17

HAND IN, Lime Street Newcastle, 24.03.17



DEGREE SHOW, St Georges Building, Norwich, 30.05.16 - 08.06.16

THE SUGGESTIVE MEETS THE DINING ROOM, The Two Fat Ladies Gallery, Norwich, 26.05.16 - 28.05.16

REACTION AND INTERACTION, Playhouse, Norwich, 25.03.16 - 31.03.16

DIALOGUES Exhibition, St Georges Building, Norwich, 30.02.16 - 3.03.16



EXPERIMENTAL TOUCH, Guntons Building, Norwich, 17.11.15 - 20.11.15

OPEN Exhibition, Firstsite, Colchester, 3.10.15 - 22.11.15

GESTURE, Collaboration: STEW Gallery, Norwich, 06.05.2015 - 07.05.2015


Curated Exhibitions:


NARRATIVE WHISPERS, Part of We: Me, You exhibition, Firstsite, Colchester, 14.10.17-----CURRENTLY WORKING ON

MIND.LANGUAGE.MATTER, St Marys House, Duke Street, Norwich, 22.07.17 - 28.07.17

COMPOSITIONS, Create Norwich, The Street, Trowse,

MISCOMMUNICATION, The Bicycle Shop, Norwich,  20.04.17 - 21.04.17

IDEOLOGICAL DIALECT, Thirteen A Gallery, Norwich, 28.01.17 - 04.02.17


Residencies :

CONSTELLATIONS, Collaboration with Kate Florence Knowlden, The Barber Shop hosted by Dyad Creative, Norwich       16.01.17 - 22.01.17

RESIDENCY PROGRAMME, St Marys Workshop (old shoe factory), In partnership with Norwich University Of The Arts and The Sainsbury Centre, Norwich, 1.09.16- 1.10.16



JAMMTOWN CHILL AND GRILL, Birdcage, Norwich 14.05.16

NO WORKING TITLE, Hosted at Tate Modern, London, 2015


Publications made:

We Came Here To Conquer, Co-desgined with Raquel Jimenez Cid,  30.09.17


Publications/Articles Featured within:


OUTLINE: UNA Gallery - Light and Space 30/08/17

AXIS WEB: Category of the week; GRAPHICS 24.04.17

Flint Magazine Issue 3

AXIS WEB: Five2Watch, webpage feature 10.03.17


POEM FEATURE IN: HOT OR NOT, vine, by Katelyn Playford and Clarissa Burridge, 29.04.16



Shortlisted for NCAS (Norfolk Contemporary Art Society) Award, 31.05.16 (4th place)



Associate Curator at Firstsite Colchester 07.08.17 - 03.12.17

Internship at The Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts, March 2017 - August 2017

Gallery Assistant at EAST Gallery, 13.11.15 - 08.07.17

Live Guide Supervisor for the British Art Show 8 in Norwich, June 2016 - 4.09.16



Sept 2016 - Sept 2017, MA in Curation, Norwich University Of The Arts

Sept 2013 - June 2016, BA Honours in Fine Art, Norwich University Of The Arts

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