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Joanna Billingham

Processes and techniques Oil and acrylic painting on canvas, watercolour sketches on paper, drawings. Influences Digital imagery, abstract painting, graphic design, Aesthetic/Formal Concerns, Philosophy, Landscape; own cultural identity (European, English, White); own gender (Female); Sexual Identity (Heterosexual), animation/cartoons.
Qualifications and training 2008 - MFA, Goldsmiths, London 2002 - BA Hons (1st), Chelsea College of Art and Design Group exhibitions 2005 - Lewisham Art House Open, Lewisham Art House, London 2003 - Gladeforest, House Gallery, Camberwell, London 2002 - Degree show, Chelsea School of Art, London 2001 - Deptford X Open 2000 - Imperial Cancer Research Exhibition, Imagination Gallery 1998 - Whitechapel Open Studios 1997 - Camberwell Gallery, South East London 1997 - Chelsea School of Art Group Show, London 1996 - Cable And Wireless Corporate Show, Cable and Wireless, London 1996 - Open Studios, Paragon Studios, London 1995 - Marks And Spencers Corporation Show, Marks and Spencers HQ, London 1994 - Open Studios, Paragon Studios, London 1994 - Permanant Exhibition, Heathrow Airport, Heathrow Airport Customs and Excise Lounge 1993 - September Show, Whiteleys, London Degree shows 2008 - Goldsmiths Fine Art MA show, Goldsmiths, London 2002 - Chelsea Fine Art Degree Show, Chelsea College of Art, London

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