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Kevin Boardman


I am interested in the participants relationship with production and outcome. Through site specific work, interventions and workshops I explore this interest in variety of materials including whiteboards and paper that allow the outcome to reveal new insights or ideas in the form of drawings, sculptures, objects, data and experiences. These outcomes become a way to document a mode of production (participants activities) or use participants mental and physical labour into a ending result. My role within this process varies depending on the project, acting as a facilitator, observer or active participant. I operate in this manner as it allows me to explore curiosity through a trans-disciplinary lens rather than fixing my practice to a specific medium or discipline.


Manchester School of Art (2016-2018)
BA Hons Interactive Arts
University of Westminster (September 2012- 2013)
Fashion Design BA (Hons) 1st year
Priestley College (September 2009 – June 2012)
Art Foundation Degree – Distinction
Btec Art and Design National Diploma (fashion and textiles) – Triple Distinction

Token - Print a Token (29 October 2018)
Get It Done - The case for improvised production 2.0 (2 October 2018)
Link Gallery - The case for improvised Production (6 February 2018)
Get it done - Art auction, Manchester (10 December 2017)
Manifest - Third Floor and Project Space, Manchester (10 July 2015)
Platform Exhibition 2 - Shudehill Studios, Manchester (February 2014)
Platform exhibition 1 - Shudehill Studios, Manchester (November 2013)

Tape - Kevin Boardman and Adam Dunn
A brief instructions guide on innovative uses of tape, showing how to make a jacket, bag, greenhouse and
shelter. This book is now sold on Amazon.

Personal Tutor (June 2018 - Present)
Fangzhe Education Shanghai - Teacher (June 2017 - September 2017)
Reiss - Tailoring Specialist (June 2014 - Present)
Design Assistant - James Pawson (March 2013 - June 2013)

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