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Mary Romer Greenfield

Memory Light and how we communicate are the concerns which I explore in the language of paint. My work moves subtly between figuration and abstraction.

Memory and communication have been an abiding concern in my artistic practice.  The starting point for any image making is usually a sensory experience, though I draw inspiration from many sources, by re-reading letters from the past, photographic imagery, a day long walk along the coast, where the light falling on the land has a powerful effect on my mind 

Having led a nomadic life as a child, in the Middle East and Africa I have a large bank of memories from which to draw.  A vast sundrenched landscape to mysterious alleyways, together with a strong sense of loss experienced when one episode comes to an end and another begins.

In my latest series of works, Memory Cloud, I pose questions about the workings of human memory. The ever-shifting patterns of cloud in formation and dissolution are taken as a metaphor for the way in which memories advance, recede and subtly metamorphose.  However vivid a scene may seem in the mind of the person recalling it, recollections are rarely fixed like a photograph coming out of the dark room.
To capture something of the evanescence and elusiveness of clouds, I have used semi-transparent glazes on canvas, combined for dramatic effect with oil colour applied with a palette knife.  The intense yet subtle tones of the storm clouds were created using 18th century methods of mixing a warm or a cool black 

I have read widely on the subject of Clouds, including
Hubert Damisch - Theory of Cloud and Luke Howard  - The Modifications of Cloud, as well as examining the depiction of clouds by other artists such as Titian, Constable as well as landscape paintings by Dali and Caspar David Friedrich.

In my work I express the visceral tensions and clashes in the human condition as we experience it now, with the challenging flux of survival within an increasingly urbanised world.  My work attempts to portray the balancing act we perform everyday of engaging with the fast pace of life and carving out enough time to stop and reflect.



Born in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania, Mary’s childhood was spent in India, Southern Yemen and East Africa.  She was educated in England and in France.  In 1972 she moved to London whilst working as a bi-lingual secretary, she took advantage of the cultural events available to her, attending lectures in art history at the V & A and life drawing classes at Chelsea College of Art.  She then worked for two years restoring antique Persian rugs for a well-known restorer in Chelsea.  After bringing up her children, she enrolled to do a foundation course at Cambridge Regional College, and graduated with a Fine Art Degree from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge in 2004.  In 2014 she completed an intense three week course in Fine Art Contemporary Practice at the Slade, UCL.


1997    The Mall Galleries - London
2000    The Global Cafe - London
            Six (across) Four (down)
            Cambridge Open Studios
2001    Cambridge Open Studios
2002    Wysing Arts Gallery - Cambridge
            Group Show Boundaries
2003    Trinity Hall Cambridge    
            First Solo Exhibition 
           Towards the Light
2004    Eastern Open - King's Lynne
            Cambridge Regional College - Degree Show
            Michael House Centre - Cambridge
            Wysing Arts - Cambridge
           Group Show - Vital
2005    Cambridge Open Studios
            Chateau de Clercy - Limoux France
            The Mall Galleries, London – Art For Youth
2006    Dulwich Art Fair
            The Mall Galleries, London – Art For Youth
            Portsmouth Art Fair
2006    Eastern Open - King's Lynn
2007    The Mall Galleries, London – Art For Youth
            Darryl Nantais Gallery - Linton Cambridgeshire
            Christmas Show
2008    Angela Mellor Gallery - Ely
            Spring Mist & Vapour

2009    Angela Mellor Gallery - Ely
2010    i2art Gallery - Saffron Walden
            Construct & De-Construct
            Saffron Walden Open Studios
2011    Artshed - Hertfordshire
            Mellow Yellow
            Saffron Walden Open Studios
            The Orangery - Holland Park, Friends of Holland Park Exhibition
2012    One Church Street Gallery - Buckinghamshire
            Winter Open 2012
            The Orangery - Holland Park, Friends of Holland Park Exhibition      
2013    Chelsea Art Society, London, Selected Show
            Cambridge Artworks - Cambridge
            Selected for
            Open Exhibition 2013
            Angela Mellor Gallery - Ely
            Two man Show - Objects of Light
2014    The Orangery - Holland Park, Friends of Holland Park Exhibition
            Cambridge Artworks - Cambridge
            Selected for
            Open Exhibition 2014
            Kelvedon Hall - Art Festival
            The Slade, UCL
            Blue Owl Art Gallery - Grantham
            Make your Mark
            Holland Park Tennis Club
            Selected for
            45th Eastern Open - King's Lynn
2015    The Orangery - Holland Park, Friends of Holland Park Exhibition
            Angela Mellor Gallery – Ely, 
            Two man Show - Summer Light
            The Mall Galleries, London – Art For Youth
2016    The Orangery, Holland Park, Friends of Holland Park Exhibition
            Chelsea Art Society, London Selected Show
            PaintSpaces Gallery, London – Cultural Rhythms
            Lacey Contemporary Gallery, London Selected for
            Summer Arts Prize Exhibition
2017    The Orangery, Holland Park: Friends of Holland Park Exhibition
            PaintSpaces Gallery, London Solo Show
            Memory Cloud

2017    Open Studio at Home, Essex Solo Show  - Autumn           
            Cobbold & Judd Gallery, Suffolk, Winter Show
            The Mall Galleries, London – Art For Youth

Setting up West Hampstead Art Reading Group with 5 artists.  This involved choosing art critical essays to be read by the group, with one person selected to give a short presentation on the writing followed by a group discussion.

Two artists and myself applied to Contemporary British Painters to have a show hosted by them on the acceptance of our proposal “Space for Being: Painting as Terrain”.  Our proposal was accepted, with the inclusion of 4 other artists, two being members of CBP group. The exhibition will be held at The Crypt, St. Marylebone Church, London in December 2018.  We hold regular meetings together as well as attending seminars and exhibtions.

Bank House Postcard Award 2006 - Eastern Open
Highly Commended - Holland Park 2011

Trinity Hall Cambridge
Cambridge Regional College
Art Decoroom Ltd

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