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Nik Ramage

Sculptor of useless and absurd machines.

I make machines that move or look like they might. Not useful machines but sculptural ones: with foibles and flaws, ticks and squeaks, overcomplicated and under achieving.

Some require the viewer to set them in motion; others have a life of their own. They are made from a motley collection of disparate parts, embracing the lost and the broken, machine parts and domestic objects. These are machines born of ideas but skirting around utility. Machines suffused with the human condition, absurd and uncertain.


Born 1970, London

1989-92 Graphic Design BA (Hons), Brighton Polytechnic

2019    Elected an academician at Royal West of England Academy

2023    Member Royal Society of Sculptors



2021    13 Amp Muse, Tension, London

2020    Practical Daydreams, The Shophouse, Hong Kong

2019    Rounds, The Chapel, Abergavenny

2017    Shadows and Whispers, Haddon Hall, Derbyshire

2016    Haphazards- The Wayward Inventions of Nik Ramage, Paul Smith, London

Selected Group shows

2023       Samples, Cromwell Place, London

2022       Certeza, Colección SOLO, Madrid

                  He aprendido…, Sala Amo´s Salvador, Logroño

2021    Knotenpuknt21, Affenfaust Galerie, Hamburg

2020    Still Human, Colección SOLO, Madrid 

            Online: Strange Times (Ukraine), Art in Context (China)

2019    Artwork, Objects & Curiosities, Paul Smith, London

Sculpture Open, RWA, Bristol

Brexit, Belasting & Douane museum, Rotterdam

2018    Royal Academy Summer exhibition, London

2015    Workplace for the New World, Bureau Europa, Maastricht

2014    What Marcel Duchamp Taught Me, Fine Art Society, London

Kinetica Art Fair, Old Truman Brewery, London

            Affordable Art Fair, London



Works in the collections of Colección SOLO, Contemporary Art Society, Miniature Museum, Netherlands, Randy Lerner, Paul Smith, Jonathan Ive.



2022       The Art of Noise, Deliaphonic, Coventry

2020       Development of Brick edition with Colección SOLO

2019       Essex Bike Sculpture, Southend

                  Chain reaction machine for Segro

2018       Staring machine, Battersea Arts Centre

2016-2020 Special editions of Fingers for Paul Smith

2016       Marvellous Mechanica, Hole & Corner/ London Craft Week

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