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Prudence Maltby


Through a process of painting and drawing I strive to develop my framework of reference which is autobiographical. Studio based, the work owes its origins and reference to landscape, although the space is always the catalyst for the responses to what has occurred at these locations and the emotions these memories bring. Sometimes the work, especially those in graphite and raw pigment does not look representational of any place at all, as I recall events and discover myself. 

For the past two years I have been curating an ACE funded collaborative arts project supported by the IWM as part of the WW1 centenary, called Cicatrix. Working with an installation artist and film maker I have been touring this exhibition with my ‘scar’ drawings providing the third element.

Currently, as well as coordinating Cicatrix, I’m curating The Plant Project, an exhibition featuring the role of flora in art, based on works in the Wiltshire Collection (namely Robin Tanner) and being shown with borrowed works from Randall-Page, Hume & Frink.

Prior to this project I was involved in the coordination of a HLF community project with the Young Gallery, Salisbury, called Other Worlds, exploring the world of the soldier through the visual arts. Working with a team alongside active servicemen, professional artists, tutors and 8 garrison schools to promote the role of the Armed Forces and honour the soldiers of our streets through art around the subject of conflict. As well as mentoring a soldier I produced a series of oil paintings referencing my own experiences of living in a war zone in Africa.



Prudence Maltby  


2013 - 2014 Curating Cicatrix touring exhibition
2011 - 2013 Development of body of exploratory work concentrating on drawing
2010 - 2011 Coordination of a Heritage Lottery funded community project with the John Creasey Museum, Salisbury, exploring the world of the soldier through the visual arts. Working with a team alongside active servicemen, professional artists, tutors and 8 garrison schools to promote the role of the Armed Forces and honour the soldiers of our streets through art around the subject of conflict.
2010 Commissioned by Salisbury International Arts Festival to curate and stage an exhibition at Salisbury Cathedral, an idea of my origination involving wooden shoe lasts. The pairs were presented to invited artists and makers across England, the artists using them as a source for inspiration which resulted in a unique exhibition of contemporary craft on a discarded object presented in an ancient setting.
2008 - 2010 Development of body of work for commissioned solo exhibition. IIlustrations for picture books and broadening writing experience.
2006 - 2008 Member of TAP: curatorial team delivering the exhibition programme at Salisbury Arts Centre
2003 - 2008 Work for commissioned show: illustrations for children’s book, published in 20007
1997 - 2003 Supply teaching and art workshops promoting confidence in children with special needs
1993 - 1996 (1993 – moved from Zimbabwe to England) Worked on freelance commissions for Poole Pottery, The National Trust and local council promotional material. Employment with Royal Academy printmaker, printing limited editions of etchings.
1982 - 1993 Graphic design for clients including British Airways, Holiday Inns and Citibank, for event planning. Supply teaching to schools and institutions. Workshops for children with special needs including cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and muscular dystrophy, as well as children with disabilities resulting from injuries sustained during the civil war.
1979 - 1981 Mauritius Printing Company, Port Louis, Mauritius. Illustration and design work for educational publications, in French and English, as well as commissions for Tourist Board and the Mauritius Commercial Bank.
1976 - 1978 National newspaper, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Layout and design.
1973 - 1976 Lindsay Smithers Advertising Agency, Bulawayo. Layout and design

2014  The Pound, Corsham. Cicatrix

2014 The Young Gallery, Salisbury. Cicatrix

2014  The Atrium Trowbridge ; Cicatrix with Henny Burnett & Susan Francis

2013  Urmson-Burnett Gallery with Henny Burnett: Collectors Tracks

2012  Urmson-Burnett Gallery Group show 2011/12 John Creasey Museum and touring: Other Worlds group show

2010  Salisbury Arts Centre, The House of Fairy Tales exhibition, a project set up by GavinTurk and Deborah Curtis

2009/10  L’Usine Gallery with fellow painter, Chris Edwick

2009  Salisbury Arts Centre, National Drawing Open.

2009  John Leach Gallery, Muchelney. Solo show invitation, ‘Landscape Unearthed’

2009  Leaden Hall, Salisbury. Group Show

2007  Salisbury Arts Centre. Commissioned exhibition of paintings entitled ‘Venerating the Vessel’ with potter, Julie Ayton.

2006  Salisbury Arts Centre. Small Pictures Open

2006  The Playhouse, Salisbury. Group show.

2005  Bettles Gallery, New Forest. Group show.

1998  The Gallery Dorchester. Gallery artists show.

1993  National Gallery Zimbabwe. Illustrators Open.

1991  Gallerie Helene de Sennville, Mauritius, group show.

1990  National Gallery Zimbabwe Graphics Open

1989  Gallery Delta, Zimbabwe Goup show.

1987  National Gallery Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe Open


PUBLIC COLLECTION  Young Gallery, Salisbury Wiltshire Council 



2013   Arts Council England Award for Cicatrix

2010  National Drawing Open Prizewinner

2006  Small Pictures Open Salisbury Arts Centre. Overall Prizewinner

1993  Illustration Open, National Gallery Zimbabwe. Overall prizewinner.

1990  Zimbabwe Open. National Gallery oZimbabwe. Award of Merit.

1987  Graphics Open, National Gallery Zimbabwe. Overall prizewinner



1996-1998  Winchester School of Art (2years completed of BA in Visual Art)

1971-1973  Falcon College for Boys, Esigodini, Zimbabwe. A-level Art and History of Art Matriculation level Art, English, French. O-level Art, English Language, English Literature, French, History, Geography Biology


Catherine Sandbrook Glen Mead, Helstone, Camelford, Cornwall PL32 9RL tel: 01840 214613 m: 07730 420385 email:

Peter Tyas Head of Arts Wiltshire Council tel: 01249 705534 m:07825 388276 email:

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