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Robert Partridge

Modern life, our contemporary social and cultural situation, can often be atopic - suspended in a bubble of non-aligned sensory dysfunction - life from inside our cars, from in front of the television, from the institutional. It can also be the same kind of feeling that one gets when leaving the cinema - all perception, all knowledge and experience realigned to a fiction in which the damp conditions outside, the long distance home and a general lack of recognition place us at odds with the 'real'. Now we are certainly conscious of realising only the surface in which the real is overlaid with reflections of its own making. What we need, at this point, is to trip up over a loose paving slab, bump into a sharp corner protruding from a darkened space, slip on a damp curbstone - to get back in touch - a shock - a lack of comfort - an unexpected zone in which to stumble onwards.

Qualifications and training

1971-1974  BA(Hons) Fine Art Painting, GCAD, Cheltenham

1974-1975  Art Teachers Diploma: Leicester Polytechnic

1991 - 1995 MA Art & Design; Fine Art, Sheffield Hallam University,

FHEA - Fellow Higher Education Acadsemy

Exhibitions / Publications

1995 'Owt for Nowt' Leeds Metropolitan University Gallery

1999 Sheffield Group exhibitions 1999 - Vim & Vigour (curated by MASS), S1 Artspace Sheffield, Sheffield Residencies 2008 -

2008  Something & Nothing 'Labours & Dreams'  - Soanyway Magazine

2008 Preoccupations; What Artists Do Anyway, Studio Bibliotheque Hong Kong, Hong Kong / Singapore,

2009 University research residency T1 Project Space, University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield

2012 Tegel: Flights of Fancy, Kino Babylon Berlin,

2013 Tegel: Speculations and Propositions Green Box publ. Berlin,

2013 Tegel: Speculations and Propositions Site Gallery, Sheffield

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