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Sharon Baker

Artist Printmaker. Graffikwerkstatt Dresden Printmaking Residency March 2022

My practice engages with printmaking processes and responds to the urban and natural landscape and how people affect, influence and change it: what they value and what they discard. I often celebrate the mundane and ubiquitous in our manufactured world.

I create work using fragments collected over time from a photograph, magazine cutting or scrap of fabric. I am drawn to the close-up, abstract elements of familiar objects or unusual juxtapositions of shapes, reflections, text and colour. I produce work in series; my work from different years has different styles depending on my subject matter and processes.

My work has been shown in national competitions and in shows across the UK, including in the house of Commons, and in Europe. I am the winner of the Westmorland Landscape Prize 2019 and in 2022 was awarded a residency at the Grafikwerkstatt Dresden by the Coventry-Dresden Arts Exchange, funded by the City of Dresden.

My creative practice informs my work as a freelance arts facilitator. I deliver arts experiences with people from all walks of life.  


Narrowboat Window

Red Transmission

Martin Down Under in Violet & Blue

Martin Down Under in Claret & Blue

Martin Down Under '97

Martin's Poodle Pink

Martin's Poodle (Green)

Havannah 11

Havannah 10

Havannah 9

Havannah 8

Havannah 7

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