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Simone Hesselberg

Simone Hesselberg is an emergent artist/curator/instigator whose work is centered around support structures, with a focus on alternative pedagogies, collaboration, and co-mentoring.

Simone Hesselberg is an emergent artist/curator/instigator whose work is centered around support structures, with a focus on alternative pedagogies, collaboration, and co-mentoring. Inspired by forms found in construction, her work is informed by an investigation of physical and social support structures. Through a cyclical model of making/curating/mentoring, she explores ways that she can support, and be supported by, peers and collaborators.

Simone is based in Bristol and holds an BA in Fine Art (Oxford Brookes University) and MA in Curating (University of the West of England). Simone has curated a number of projects, including a series of visual arts salons, supported by Reading International & the University of Reading. In 2019 she undertook a year-long curatorial placement at Spike Island where she supported solo exhibitions including Libita Clayton, Meriç Algün and Veronika Ryan, alongside co-curating a number of artist development projects. In 2021 she initiated Co-, a non-hierarchical, interdisciplinary collective to explore creative strategies for collaboration and skill-sharing as tools to support and enrich new, unexpected ideas. In addition to her independent practice, Simone is currently a Creative Producer, Project Manager and Residency Co-ordinator for arts organisations in the South West.


Not so supportive structure

Helping Hands (work in progress)

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