Suzanne Smith

I am an interdisciplinary fine artist based in Manchester, UK. Working with appropriation and collage, I often use text, found objects, photography, film and found image.
Fascinated with the politics of the everyday, my practice is the negotiation of an environment saturated with social norms and conventions. It is the tension in the mundanity, the something in the nothing that really gets me going...feeling for the edges where negotiation and collusion take place. Through accumulation, play and control I impose a preferred order on my subject, pinning it down long enough to take a closer look.
Qualifications and training
PGCE Art & Design, Institute of Education, Manchester 2012
MA Cultural Theory, Lancaster University 2008 (Postgraduate Scholarship, Arts and Humanities Research Council)
BA Fine Art, Manchester School of Art 2007
Solo exhibitions
Homunculus, Art Gene, Barrow-in-Furness 2015
Sometimes You Can Tell & You Tense & Lo & Behold They Do, Greenroom, Manchester 2007
Fear of Small Things, Lowry Project Space, Salford 2006
Group exhibitions
Shape Open 2017, Ecology Pavilion, Mile End, London 2017
Triptychs, The Media Centre, Huddersfield 2016
The Listening Booth, G George, on-line 2015
Utopia, The Orangery, Clapham 2015
Be Our Guest, Oriel Davies, Newtown 2013
Dysfunctional Holiday Party, Squeaky Wheel, Buffalo, New York 2012
Paper #3, Paper Gallery, Manchester 2011
The Burlington Fine Arts Club, The Burlington Fine Arts Club, Manchester 2011
We Are All In This Together, Bureau, Manchester 2009
Trade City, Contemporary Art Manchester, New Islington, Manchester 2008
Closer, Wolstenholme Projects, Liverpool 2008
Line Out: Leicester Short Film Festival, The Phoenix Arts Centre, Leicester 2008
Practical Propagation, Vrits, Basel 2008
Spook Up I Can't Hear You, The Embassy, Edinburgh 2007
Curatorial projects
Frankophilia!, The Chapman Gallery, University of Salford 2011
Haiti Artists Art Auction, CUBE, Manchester 2009
Public Space
Dispersal: Interventions Part 1, Various sites, Birmingham, Lincoln, Manchester 2008
5th Edinburgh Annuale, The Embassy, Edinburgh 2007
Inbetween Spaces billboard, Look07 Photography Festival, Manchester
Hand to Mouth, The Poor Press, London 2012