2024 “Tartarus in Bloom”. Public talk with Dr Amy Hale and Belladonna Paloma, at Quad, Derby. “Undertale Delete”. Guest lecture at SODA, Manchester Metropolitan University. “Relics”. Public talk with Joseph Buckley, Dr Karen Di Franco and Dr Alice Rekab, at FACT Liverpool. “Syllabus VII Artist Advisor”. Syllabus Artist development programme, Wysing Arts Centres, Eastside Projects, New Art Exchange, PS2, Spike Island, TACO, Studio Voltaire.. 2023 “A Knife Made of Refuse”. Public talk at The Center for Discursive Inquiry at CalArts, Santa Clarita. “Forest of Doom 2” Workshop for “2023 Youth Festival”, Wysing Arts Centre. “Uma Breakdown and Johanna Hedva”. Public talk at FACT, Liverpool. “Secret passages and arcane puzzles for the contemporary studio”. Workshop for “Into The Wild” artist development programme at Chisenhale Gallery, London. “My Coffin is a Spaceship” Public talk with Evelyn Wh-ell for “Art/Work Association”, at Auto-Italia South East, London. “Put Your Controller on the Floor” Guest lecture delivered at Reality Check Festival, Enschede “Associate Lecturer in Fine Art” Newcastle University, Newcastle. “Hellbound Hearts or, “I was rooting for Mephistopheles, and contemptuous of Faust” Guest lecture and seminar, Yale University, Newhaven.. “Esprit de corps / Corpse Explosion” Guest lecture delivered at Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford. “Art as a Road Trip Workshop delivered at Ruskin School of Art, University of Oxford, Oxford. 2022 “Art as a Monster that Always Comes Back” Guest lecture delivered at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge. “An Anthology of Dead Ends” Guest lecture delivered at University of Huddersfield. “Uma Breakdown in Conversation with Angela YT Chan and Dr. Tom Dillon” live online event for Wysing Arts Centre. “Worldbuilding and Wellbeing” Panel member for “Peer to Peer UK/HK”, Blindspot Gallery, Hong Kong, and QUAD, Derby. “Forest of Doom” Workshop delivered at “2022 Youth Festival”, Wysing Arts Centre. “Art as a Road Trip” Workshop delivered at “Jerwood Art FACT Fellowship”, FACT, Liverpool. “Theft and System” Workshop delivered at University of Huddersfield, Huddersfield. "Practice Based Art PhD Methodologies" Workshop delivered at Reading University, Reading. 2022 “Art as Waking up to a Nightmare” Workshop delivered at "Horror Programme", University of The Underground, Berlin. "Art as a Road Trip" Workshop delivered at "AMPlify", Wysing Arts Centre, Cambridge. "Open Screen Panel Discussion" Panellist for "Arebyte Open Screen", Arebyte Gallery London. "Art as a Road Trip" Workshop delivered at "FACT Together", FACT Liverpool. "They Played us Like a Damn Fiddle" Workshop delivered at "TROUBLE IN OUTER HEAVEN: PORTABLE OPS PLUS", Southwark Park Galleries. “Dungeon Mechanics” Workshop delivered at "Feminist Painting School", Baltic, Gateshead. “Broken Vibes” Artist talk delivered at "Merged Futures 3", Northampton University. 2020 “Lead Maker” International Centre for Life, Newcastle. 2019 “Biofilm Mansion Theory, or Making as Collaboration with Disorder” Conference paper delivered at “Interdisciplinary Conversations Around Making”, Newcastle University. “Coming Soon, From Your Cemetary: Horror / Play / Instability / Desire” Guest lecture delivered at Reading University. “There is no reason for you to live: ‘No World Dreamers, Sticky Zeitgeist episode 2: Aperitif’ as trans* Écriture Féminine” Conference paper delivered at “Beyond the Console: Gender and Narrative Games”, London South Bank University, London. “Research Assistant to Prof. Patricia McCormack” Three month AHRC funded placement. 2018 “Smeared into The Environment: Queer Horror and The Ahuman” Conference paper delivered at “Horror, Cult, Exploitation II”, Northumbria University. “Alembic II: Chrominance” Panellist for publication launch, Res. Gallery, London. “Wild Pop: A Symposium” Artist talk at Newcastle University. “Smeared into The Environment: Queer Horror and The Ahuman” Conference paper delivered at “Don't Look: Representations of Horror in the 21st Century Symposium”, University of Edinburgh. “Biofilm Assemblages and Ahuman Horror” Conference paper delivered at “Current Research in Speculative Fiction”, University of Liverpool. “The Revolutionary Praxis of Urban Galls” Conference paper delivered at “Open Graves Open Minds & Supernatural Cities present: The Urban Weird” University of Hertfordshire. 2017 “Appropriation” Taught semester long module on BA Fine Art programme, Northumbria University. “Dog-Tech 1” Conference paper delivered at “CDT Conference”, Baltic Gateshead. |