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25 Slowicza, Walbrzych, Lower Silesia, via Google Street View, 27 July 2015

By  Mik Godley 2015
vector app Paintbook on iPad2 Using Google Street View to create a virtual "field study" as close as the Google car and camera was able to reach the Walbrzych Mausoleum or Waldenberg Totenburg (translated as "Death Castle") - part of a project for Considering Silesia to 'digitally survey' a ruined Silesian Nazi Mausoleum

Mik Godley

Mik Godley

Mik Godley

prettier-ignore-start Shapnjfkq0kxw5lgufzl0a prettier-ignore-end Mik Godley

Document Sudetenland 1 (for Considering Silesia)

Winter Rose, pair 29-30 December 2013

Mik with Turquoise Blue Haunebu #1 iPod UFO print

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