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A Perfect Fit

By  Lucy Brown 2006

John Lawrence

92cm x 190cm x 2cm (variable)

A Perfect Fit is woven from a size 16/18 'Gossard' camisole and a size 10/12 'Under Studies' half-slip. The work is a comment on the variations of size charts in fashion retail high streets. The two underwear garments, made by two different companies, have been deconstructed and reconstructed to form a perfect fit. A Perfect Fit is part of a series of seven works which are re-tensioned and nailed to the wall. These works act like a butterfly collection, pinned, trapped, categorised and to be scrutinised.

John Lawrence

Lucy Brown

Bob Curtis

Lucy Brown

Pouring hair ball 2021 1731422577 Lucy Brown

Inside out

Please don’t look at me like that

Mary Hindles’ bit of skirt 1826

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