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Abîme des oiseaux

Jenny Mellings

One of a series of paintings/drawings (made with chalk and other earth colours with charcoal) on the theme of visions. This image is based on the sighting of a kestrel in a quarry on the Isel of Portland, Dorset.

Jenny Mellings

Jenny Mellings

prettier-ignore-start Forum detail 1714124772 prettier-ignore-end Jenny Mellings
This is another work from the ongoing 'Correspondences' series, exploring aspects of the digital world, particularly the internet. It's a larger painting than those I previously made using similar, almost 'Pointillist' or 'Divisionist' methods, and the subject matter is to do with a specific connection with a film. A frame from that film (The Apu Trilogy part 1 director: Satyajit Ray, cameraman: Subatra Mitra) forms the lower layer, and the speckled layer over the top partly obscures this, and…

Correspondence 10 (Apu)

Arctic Orbit

Night Sea Vision - Cow Pasture

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